Live Music

A single one-off gig is just as important as a show touring internationally

We specialise in all things sound doing our best to make sure everyone who comes to watch your show has the same great experience.

Sound Engineering

Every single show we do is just as important to us, we only want to put our name to the best sounding shows therefore every show we do gets the same attention to detail.

One Off Show

A single show can be just as much if not more work than a touring show as logistically we have to get everything in and out as smoothly and seamlessly as possible. We also need to be as efficient as possible to make sure we can spend the maximum amount of time getting the show to sound its best.

In a venue that already has equipment often carries the misconception that everything will be happen much quicker. It is true that there is less work to do loading and unloading a lorry however for what time is saved there more often than not it is then spent tuning the system that is already in the venue and making sure we get the best out it for you.


Touring shows come with their own unique set of challenges. Replicating the show seamlessly between venues comes down to the skill of the sound team more than anything else. It can also be a budget balancing game however we do also try our best to make the budget cover any equipment that will make the lives of our engineers who are on the tour easier and make the tour more successful and easier to run.

A music-based touring show we often find It best to tour sound desks, racks, IEMS and Microphones. This means the band will always get the show they designed for their IEMs and cast will also find the show has better consistency.

International Touring

A show that goes across boarders can present its own series of unique challenges, from a sound perspective communication with the venue is key in order to make sure the right equipment is there for us when we arrive.

Often the principles used when touring a show around the UK cannot be applied when touring around the world simply because they become impractical. The greater challenge is flying between places, more options are available if the tour is being done on the road, or over a longer time where equipment can be transported via road.

When flying desk touring simply isn’t an option due to weight limits and costs so instead equipment is rented from local suppliers to the venue and we use what the venue has available. This does mean we end up needing to be much stricter with venues as to what desks they have, PA design all comes down to drawings of the spaces without the option of seeing it, so it's all theory until we turn up to get in day.

When using road there is more flexibility to tour an amount of the equipment, however there are still costs to consider therefore this usually turns into a mix of UK touring principles and fly touring principles where a higher level of consistency can be achieved for the cast due to toured equipment and means replicating the show between venues with greater accuracy is possible.

The biggest thing to remember with touring the world is that technical rehearsals often need a little extra time to account for having to do so much more from scratch.


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